Thursday, April 19, 2007

Europa, Europa!

Back to Europe, I am once again under heavy work load, but I don't hesitate to take on the pressure. It's pleasure to think I am on the move, just like when someone says: "so many women, so little time", it's not like complaining about life quality.

I can't install anything here including a VNM typing program so I rather write in English. The first night in the plane was sleepless, the 2nd night in Europe I slept only 5 hrs, the 3rd night 3 hrs. I have to live with it. Everyday, after some 10 hrs of office working, discussions, meetings and site visits, I have to suffer 4-hour dinners with my Kollege. At night, still go out to have a drink with the guys. No wonder I'm exhausted now. But I wonder why in here the most classy whiskey in bars is only Black Label, the kind we never even took into consideration when we were in VN.

I even don't know what I'm writing.

1 comment:

  1. H� h�, t�nh h�nh l� l�n ph�ng kh�ch sạn lại thấy c� Wi-Fi, thế n�y th� tha hồ nghi�n cứu t�nh h�nh thời sự trong nước v� quốc tế rồi.
