Thursday, September 28, 2006

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Sometimes my entries will be composed in English because I am in the mood to write in English, although in Vietnam among those who try to appear cool we say English is the language of servers, prostitutes, and minorities for examples those in Sapa who can’t even speak Vietnamese but are in possession of some oral English skills that help in selling cheap souvenirs to foreign backparkers. The language for serious writing to show how classy you are should be more sophisticated than something as simple as English, so it is may be French or better yet, German to be more “philosophical”. That’s not true.

Enough about the language, now about the film.


This film is one that demands repeated viewing, because it's hilarious, interesting, creative and so pleased to the eyes to watch.


The visual effect is stunning with surrealistic scenes that I found miraculous and unreal as in a fairy tail. For instance, the Bauedelaire children’s aunt: Josephine who lives in a house on the edge of a hill above Lake Lachrymose, a lake infested with Lachrymose leeches that will eat human if they smelled food on them.


The cast is excellent, with Jim Carrey as Count Olaf who is a dreadful person but also is so much funny. The three children are very well cast as well and most important for me, they are extremely cute and beautiful. The oldest girl of the Bauedelaires - Violet - who is 14 in the film made me recall of sweet memories of my childhood when I would have a crush on young girls in the movies I saw. Now I wish I can have one like her as my daughter: so adorable, intelligent and strong.


This is truly a piece of art, and the plot is from Lemony Snicket’s books so there is also some thinking that one can enjoy from the film. I was deeply touched by Violet’s repeated saying to her younger brother: There’s always something! to encourage him to think of ways to escape from troubles. That’s true!


  1. Ch� R�u! Ch� c� k� rang anh Thanh th�ch xem phim long tieng Duc hon xem nguyen ban bang tieng Anh. Lao V� nghi~ ra nguy�n do r�i d��. Phim My~ rat nhieu doi thoai triet ly. Ma dich sang tieng Duc thi lai con triet ly hon nua, vi vay ma hay. Tieng Duc dung la thu tieng cua triet hoc! Roi thuong thi tuong mot cau tieng Phap de ket thuc van de. Do la thoi thuong. Xem Matrix Reloaded co nhieu doan doi thoai ve tieng Phap hay tuyet!

    Co do mong toi xoa, �y �y!

  2. Anh Thanh la anh nao ma sanh dieu nhi! Nguong mo we'! =))
    De ket thuc comment minh cung lam cau tieng Phap.

    Xoa xong mong ong di, no^ng no^ng

  3. Nhiều b�i h�t tiếng Anh lại lồng th�m mấy c�u tiếng Ph�p ở đoạn cao tr�o, nghe rất s�nh điệu mặc d� nội dung cực đơn giản. V� dụ Bad Boys Blue: C'est toi et ce soir je te veux faire l'amour avec toi. Hoặc Lady marmelade: Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir? T�nh h�nh n�y ai chưa biết th� rất n�n đi học một cua tiếng Ph�p tr�nh độ A.

    Mong co toi xoa xong co xoa mong toi, uy uy?


    A good film is when the price of admission, dinner and the babysitter were well worth it.

    hì hì...
